Meeting opened per ritual by SVC John Entwisle at 1106 hours. SAA Brandy Creel secured the quarters and declared all present were qualified to remain for official business.
SAA Brandy Creel posted the colors and led the detachment in the pledge of allegiance.
Chaplain Richard Hoibraten gave the opening prayer.
Roll Call of Officers:
Acknowledgement of Dignitaries: N/A
Applications for Membership: Tim Sewell (Application - Regular Member). Sponsored and vetted by JA Chuck Frisk. Motion to approve his membership - Ashforde Todd. 2nd - Wayne Roshaven. Members voted "Yea" unanimously. Tim Sewell was sworn into membership.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: A motion to approve the minutes from the September detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Ash Todd and seconded by Gary Wimsett. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: Adj/Paymaster Tammy Coleman reported on Dinah Paris' Facebook message stating how she and Lamar Paris had enjoyed the USMC Birthday Ball. SVC John Entwisle read a letter from Lon Getlin thanking 783 for its generous donation to the Getlin's Corner Foundation.
Paymasters Report: Presented by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
783 General Checking Account
Beginning Balance ……. $ 8,890.78
Deposits ………………........…… $ 3,115.00
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 146.01
Current Balance ………..... $ 11,859.77
Grant Committee
Current balance: $1418.17 (Debit Melissa’s Bakery for Ball cake)
Roses program: $2096.00
Total from festivals/shows: $1785.00 + $1102 (last report) = $2887.00
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Wayne Roshaven and seconded by Ash Todd. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Continued prayers for Bob "Doc" Mitchell, Gunny Triplett, Sharon Scott's family, Mike Brown and Jack McCorkle.
Report of Officers:
Adjutant/Paymaster - Tammy Coleman briefed members on 783's upcoming Army-Navy Game Watch Party for charity. To be held on Saturday, December 14th at The View Grill at Butternut Creek. Event starts at 1:00 p.m.
Members voted for ALL red detachment baseball caps. Tammy advised that they would be $20 each. Doc Coleman to place order soon.
Tammy reported on 783's USMC Birthday Ball. The detachment is planning on an even bigger event next year in light of it being the 250th. She advised that she had mailed out the November calendar and had extras printed out. Tour of Trees - Tammy and Claudia plan to decorate a Christmas tree at the Community Center on behalf of the detachment.
JPC - Ash Todd noted that our country's next Vice President was a U.S. Marine.
SVC - John Entwisle noted that the following wards had been presented at this year's USMC Birthday Ball.
Letter of Appreciation - David Haag
Distinguished Service Medal - Gunny Triplett
Associate Member of the Year - Claudia Entwisle
Marine of the Year - Ashford Todd
Roses Program - Brandy Creel reported that the Roses Program needed to order more stickers (that wrap around the rose stem) for future use.
Toys For Tots - Wayne Roshaven reported that so far 70 boxes have been put out between Towns and Union County. A shipment of toys and books was received yesterday (11/17).
Unfinished Business: N/A
New Business:
Gunny Triplett presented the detachment with a framed Marine Corps picture.
Ash Todd talked about the detachment obtaining a ship's bell so that it can properly honor deceased members per ritual. Brandy Creel advised that she had her late father's (USN RET) and the detachment could use it if needed (on loan).
Good of the League: N/A
SAA Brandy Creel retired the colors and performed the closing prayer.
Meeting Adjourned per ritual at 1137 hours.
Next detachment meeting will be on Saturday, December 21st at 1000 hours at the Davenport Building. Coffee Mess is at 0900 hours.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1001 hours. SAA Brandy Creel secured the quarters and declared all present were qualified to remain for official business.
SAA Brandy Creel posted the colors and led the detachment in the pledge of allegiance.
SAA Brandy Creel gave the opening prayer.
Roll Call of Officers:
Acknowledgement of Dignitaries: N/A
Applications for Membership: N/A
Minutes of Previous Meeting: A motion to approve the minutes from the September detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Sal Laratta and seconded by Ashford Todd. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: N/A
Paymasters Report: Presented by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
783 General Checking Account
Beginning Balance ……. $ 6,897.35
Deposits ………………........…… $ 5,645.00
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 3,651.57
Current Balance ………..... $ 8,890.78
DVNF Checking Account
Balance - $ 1,538.55
Donation to Getlin's Corner Foundation - $500.00
Note: Donation made in John Entwisle's honor. John served with the 9th Marines and fought in the Battle of Getlin's Corner which was named after his commanding officer Capt. Mike Getlin who was KIA.
Sorghum Festival (1st weekend)
Raffle/Challenge Coins/Donations - $ 1,102.00
Paymaster Coleman reminded members of the following upcoming events:
* October Birthday Dinner at The View Grill
* Trunk-O-Treat at 1st Baptist of Blairsville
* MCL Dept., of GA Quarterly Meeting
* USMC Birthday Ball
* Trivia Night at The View Grill
* Monday Morning Breakfast
* 783's 1st Annual Army-Navy Game Watch Party at The View Grill
See the Events Calendar located on the detachment's website.
Roger Pilcher thanked members of 783 for the signed card they sent him. He reported that no other VSO sent him one, just 783.
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Sal Laratta and seconded by Brandy Creel. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Continued prayers for Mike Brown, Jack McCorkle, Richard Hoibraten, BJ Roshaven, Roger Pilcher, Gary & Virginia Wimsett.
Report of Officers:
JPC - Dan Healy, the Quartermaster for VFW 7807 (Hiawassee) has offered to help with the Appling Project when we are ready. Ash thanked Doc Coleman and Wayne Roshaven for helping him put up the new shelves in 783's storage unit.
JA - Chuck Frisk reported that he and his son had been going to areas affected by Helene and conducting road clearing work in an effort to help locals. They had been to Hendersonville, Swannanoa, Black Mtn., and Spruce Pines. In addition to clearing roads, they helped build 3 bridges, and cleared houses of debris.
Commandant - Doc Coleman gave an update on the Appling Project. Robert "Doc" Mitchell and his wife Jean donated $600.00 to Veterans Cooperative. The funds are to be used for the Appling Project or however 783 should see fit. Doc also noted that Gary Miller (McKinney Heating & Air) donated $5,000.00 to go towards the restoration of Ms. Appling's home which had become unlivable due to mold. PuroClean (Blairsville) conducted the demo and mold remediation for $2,655.00. Doc will approach HomeDepot for all building materials and the Beacon Team for assistance with the construction.
Doc asked members how they felt about the detachment possibly having detachment baseball caps made for its members. The response was positive. Doc will look into the cost of caps and embroidery.
Unfinished Business: N/A
New Business: N/A
Good of the League:
Ash Todd - Put his lined USMC jacket up for auction. Proceeds to go towards MCL Dept. of GA. Opening bid was $30.00. Greg Fisher bid $40 and won the jacket.
Roger Pilcher - Reported that he had participated in the VA's backpack program. The backpacks contain various items such as snacks, hygiene products, etc. Roger informed members that the backpacks were for Hurricane victims.
SAA Brandy Creel retired the colors and performed the closing prayer.
Meeting Adjourned per ritual at 1056 hours.
Next detachment meeting will be on Saturday, November 16th at 1000 hours at the Davenport Building.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1002 hours. SAA Brandy Creel secured the quarters and declared all present were qualified to remain for official business.
SAA Brandy Creel posted the colors and led the detachment in the pledge of allegiance.
Chaplain Richard Hoibrten gave the opening prayer.
Roll Call of Officers:
Acknowledgement of Dignitaries: N/A
Applications for Membership:
All three applicants were voted in unanimously and sworn in per Ritual.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: A motion to approve the minutes from the August detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Wayne Roshaven and seconded by Ashford Todd. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: Adjutant/Paymaster informed attendees that there were two (2) sympathy cards to be signed by everyone; one for Roger Pilcher who recently lost his son and the other for the widow of a U.S.M.C. veteran who also recently passed away.
Paymasters Report: Presented by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
783 General Checking Account
Beginning Balance ……. $ 6,156.44
Deposits ………………........…… $ 931.69
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 190.78
Current Balance ………..... $ 6,897.35
Marine Roses Program - $2,096.00
DVNF Checking Account - $2,038.55
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Ashford Todd and seconded by John Entwisle. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Continued prayers for Mike Brown, Roger Pilcher, Gary & Virginia Wimsett, and two of Richard Hoibraten's friends, Mr. Benefield and Mr. Grigsby.
Report of Officers:
Adjutant/Paymaster - Next birthday dinner will be Friday, October 25th at The View Grill. Birtdays include Andy Turner, Pat Seals and Doc Coleman. Jody Federico advised that Sharon Scott's birthday was also in October.
JVC - Mark Medina informed members that when he joined the MCL it was with the intent of hanging out with other Marines. He will be working on an Autumn gathering for the detachment. Outdoor event possibly to be held at the Davenport Building. Idea - cookout, fire pit, corn hole. Details will be forthcoming.
SVC - John Entwisle advised that there were three events coming up; Sorghum Festival (Blairsville Oct. 12, 13, 19, 20), Welcome Home Veterans Air Show (Andrews Oct. 26) and the Blairsville Cruisers Car Show (Blairsville Nov. 2). Volunteers are needed for all three events. Sorghum Festival is a two weekend event. (SEE EVENT CALENDAR)
Next Monday Breakfast gathering will be at the Blairsville Restaurant at 1000 hours.
Commandant - Doc Coleman advised that the next Department of GA Quarterly Meeting will be held in Griffin on Saturday, November 2nd. Candlewood Suites (Jackson, GA) is the host hotel. Special room rate for MCL members of $99.00/night. Doc will email members the details. There will be a dinner Friday night, and on Saturday a business meeting, a lunch 'n' learn (using the MCL app on your smartphone) and a M.O.D.D. Pack Growl afterwards.
Report of Committees:
Detachment Service Officer (DSO) - Claudia Entwisle updated members on efforts being made for Emily Appling. Allstate has denied Ms. Appling's insurance claim. Two quotes for mold remediation have been obtained; one for $13,000.00 (N. GA Mold) and the other for $2,600.00 (PuroClean). Doc Coleman has spoken with the Beacon Team from First Baptist about providing the renovation labor. He will also ask Home Depot to donate the building materials. The roof is over 30 years old and needs replacement. A local roofing contractor has offered free labor if 783 will provide the materials (approximately $1,600.00).
Doc Coleman asked for a motion to approve a budget not to exceed $1,500.00 for the mold remediation. Ashford Todd made a motion to approve an expense budget of (not to exceed) $1,500.00 and it was seconded by Jason Cameron.
Discussion - Jason Cameron asked if the funds would come from the DVNF account. Doc advised that they would. Joe Nichols asked why 783 couldn't start a Go Fund Me Page. Doc advised that the detachment had a foundation for raising funds (as opposed to setting up a Go Fund Me page for every project). Doc also informed members that Ms. Appling's home was paid off and that she did have a $15,000.00 equity line available.
The motion passed unanimously. Richard Hoibrten advised that he had recently spoken with Ms. Emily and that she was truly grateful for everything that was being done for her.
Doc also talked to members about John Entwisle serving with the 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines, India Company (known as “The Flaming I"), weapons platoon, at the Battle of Geitlin's Corner in Vietnam. John was 18 years old and it was only his third week in country. During the battle, he would lose his Platoon Leader, 2nd Lt. John Bobo, (Medal of Honor), and his Company Commander, Captain Mike Getlin (Navy Cross). Doc asked for a motion to donate $500 (from DVNF fund) to the Getlin's Corner Foundation in John Entwisle's name. The foundation awards undergraduate scholarships exclusively to the children of enlisted Marines and Navy Corpsmen who served with Marine units.
JVC Mark Medina made a motion to donate $500 to the foundation. It was seconded by David Haag. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Birthday Ball Committee - Tammy Coleman advised that the Marine Corps Birthday Ball would actually be a formal ball this year, held at The View in Blairsville. There will be the annual ceremony, along with awards followed by dancing. Tickets will be $40.00/person. Members are encouraged to either mail their ticket orders in by October 31st or bring them to the next detachment meeting (Sat., October 19th). Dress code for the event is FORMAL.
Tammy also informed attendees that she and Claudia and Pat Seals were working with Crystal Hubbard on a fundraising event, 2024 Army-Navy Football Game Watch Party to be held at The View on Saturday, December 14th, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Details are forthcoming. Richard Hoibraten advised that December 14th was also Wreaths Across America.
Unfinished Business: Any LIFE members who care to donate $5 to the Dept. of GA (to operate in the black) can give their donation to the detachment's Paymaster after the meeting.
Good of the League:
Ash Todd advised that the new building for VFW Post 7807 in Hiawassee. 7807 is asking for challenge coins to be donated to the post. The coins will be inlaid into the bar. JVC Mark Medina made a motion for the detachment to donate three of 783's challenge coins. It was seconded by David Haag. No Discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Jason Cameron spoke to members about changes being made to the VA's rating schedule, Respiratory, Auditory, and Mental Health. Change to take effect April 25th. If you have sleep apnea and a prescribed CPAP you can get 50% disability. This will no longer be available once changes take place.
Doc will provide members with Jason's email address so they can email him questions directly. Jason also has a channel on YouTube called Veterans Info Tap. Doc working a dinner for detachment members where Jason will speak about PreQualifying for Burial Benefits. Details forthcoming.
Richard Hoibraten advised that all flagpoles at the Appalachian Memorial Park have been installed.
Ash Todd advised that materials for constructing shelves in the detachment's storage unit will cost approximately $76.00. He is volunteering to build them in order to house both 783's and Pound 206's property. The latter is currently being stored in the Toys For Tots storage unit. Construction will be completed this Tuesday. John Entwisle made a motion to approve a not-to-exceed budget of $100.00. It was seconded by Sal Larrata. No discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Jody Federico advised that her late father (Walt Scott) had an Accidental Death policy through the VFW. She stated that it has been denied until further documentation can be provided. Claudia Entwisle will be assisting her with the effort.
SAA Brandy Creel retired the colors. Richard Hoibraten performed the closing prayer. Meeting Adjourned per ritual at 1127 hours.
Next detachment meeting will be on Saturday, October 19th at 1000 hours at the Davenport Building.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1005 hours. SAA Brandy Creel secured the quarters and declared all present were qualified to remain for official business.
SAA Brandy Creel posted the colors and led the detachment in the pledge of allegiance.
Wayne Roshaven gave the opening prayer.
Roll Call of Officers:
Acknowledgement of Dignitaries: N/A
Applications for Membership:
Crystal Hubbard, formerly of Stonehenge Senior Living, now working at the Union County Community Center. Crystal has two adult children currently serving in the U.S. Army. She has a working history with 783. She would like to become an Associate Member and help the detachment with public awareness and event planning. Crystal was escorted to the lobby, while members in good standing discussed her application. Her application for membership was unanimously approved. Crystal was sworn in by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: A motion to approve the minutes from July's detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Ash Todd and seconded by David Haag. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: Doc advised that he had received a request from the United Daughters of the Confederacy to speak at their November meeting regarding the detachment's Larry Ashley Veterans Relief Fund.
Paymasters Report: Presented by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
783 General Checking Account
Beginning Balance ……. $ 5,055.95
Deposits ………………........…… $ 1,626.00
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 525.51
Current Balance ………..... $ 6,156.44
DVNF Checking Account
Paymaster Tammy Coleman informed attendees that there had been no activity on the DVNF checking account since her report last month.
Current Balance = $2,038.55
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Wayne Roshaven and seconded by Roger Pilcher. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Ash Todd informed members that a nodule had been discovered on one of his lungs. He will undergo a biopsy on Wednesday. Doc Coleman asked attendees to keep Ash in their thoughts and prayers. Members were also asked to keep Mike Brown in their prayers as well.
Report of Officers:
SVC - John Entwisle informed members that the funeral homes in Blairsville had not been contacting him regarding the MCL's Fallen Marine Program. Ash Todd advised the same thing for Towns County. John asked Wayne Roshaven and other NGHG members if they would notify him when they receive a request for military honors for a Marine veteran.
Commandant - Doc Coleman advised that after the Davenport open house Nancy Kunz of the American Legion Auxiliary was approached by an elderly woman named Emily Appling who was in need. Emily is the widow of Marine veteran Jerry Appling who passed away in April. Emily lives in a subsidized apartment and her rent has just gone up to $564.00/month. She also advised that the home she and her late husband own has a leaky roof and is unlivable due to mold. Doc has interviewed Ms. Appling and reached out to Charlotte Randall of Habitat For Humanity. They will make a site visit this week and have estimates made on repairs/remediation needed. Doc informed Claudia Entwisle that he would keep her and the grant committee updated on the situation.
Doc also noted that Dept. Commandant Rex Delk sent his thanks to 783 for a job well done on hosting the recent Quarterly Meeting.
Adjutant/Paymaster - Tammy Coleman announced that starting in September the detachment will gather together one night a month to promote camaraderie and celebrate the birthdays of detachment members. The first event will take place on Friday. September 13th at 6:00 p.m. at The View in Blairsville. That evening we will celebrate and honor the birthdays of Jack McCorkle, John Entwisle and Jason Cameron.
Report of Committees: None
Unfinished Business: Roger Pilcher informed members that he would be meeting with the VCG and requesting that his tribute to the 9th Marines (The Rock Pile) be moved to the Davenport Building.
Doc also reminded members that the Mountain Heritage Festival was coming up (Aug. 31st - Sept. 1st). Volunteers are needed and can contact John Entwisle with their available times.
New Business: Ash Todd brought up the Department of Georgia's need to raise dues in an effort to operate in the black. Someone at the quarterly asked what about LIFE members, and their contribution? Two suggestions were made at the quarterly. The first was that LIFE members could make an annual donation. The second was that detachments could simply turn their PLM check (from National) over to the department in an effort to help out.
Ash Todd informed attendees that he would be in favor of LIFE members donating $5/each to the department. Roger Pilcher liked the idea of turning over the PLM check. Wayne Roshaven said that he did not like the idea of turning over funds to the department once they hit the detachment's checking account. He would rather just donate $5 to the department. Chuck Frisk said depending on the amount of the PLM check, LIFE members might want to donate the $5 to the detachment and turn the PLM check over to the department. The detachment might benefit more this way and still make its contribution. Roger Pilcher made a motion to table the dialogue until the September meeting. It was seconded by David Haag. No discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Good of the League: Doc informed members that the wheelchair ramp for Mike Brown had been completed. He acknowledged the Beacon Team (1st Baptist Church of Blairsville) and Habitat Fur Humanity for all their help, as well as Home Depot who donated all the materials.
Announcements: Wayne Roshaven advised that the growl for Pound 206 would be moved to Saturday, September 14th at 1000 hours. Annual dues are due.
SAA Brandy Creel retired the colors. Wayne Roshaven performed the closing prayer. Meeting Adjourned per ritual at 1103 hours.
Next detachment meeting will be on Saturday, September 21st at 1000 hours at the Davenport Building.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 0950 hours. SAA Sal Laratta secured the quarters and declared all present were qualified to remain for official business.
SAA Sal Laratta posted the colors and led the detachment in the pledge of allegiance.
Roll Call of Officers:
Acknowledgement of Dignitaries: Lauren Dilts, founder and Executive Director of High Lonesome Therapeutic Equestrian Center (Murphy, NC).
Minutes of Previous Meeting: A motion to approve the minutes from June's detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Wayne Roshaven and seconded by David Haag. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: None
Paymasters Report: Presented by Commandant Doc Coleman.
783 General Checking Account
Beginning Balance ……. $ 4,602.07
Deposits ………………........…… $ 470.00
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 16.12
Current Balance ………..... $ 5,055.95
DVNF Checking Account
Check #1076 - NGCPM $919.74 (Turner Project)
Check #1077 - Blairsville Ecumenical Food Pantry $200.00 (Donation)
Current Balance = $2,038.55
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Pat Seals and seconded by Greg Fisher. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Richard Hoibraten reported that Jack McCorkle has been doing better and has been working out at the gym. .He asked that everyone keep Gary and Virginia Wimsett in their thoughts and prayers. John Entwisle reported that Claudia is doing better (from her knee replacement). She still experiences pain at night,. but she is working through it.
Report of Officers:
SVC - John Entwisle informed members that volunteers are needed to work 783's exhibit tent at the Mountain Music & Moonshine Festival next weekend (July 27th and 28th). There will be two shifts each day, 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Set up will be Friday at 5:00 p.m. and breakdown will be Sunday at 5:00 p.m.
Commandant - Dept. of GA Quarterly Meeting - Saturday, August 3rd at 10:00 a.m. at the Towns County Recreation & Conference Center. Dinner Friday night at 6:00 p.m. at El Cancun Mexican Restaurant (big room in the back).
Coffee Mess at the Blairsville VA Clinic on Tuesday, August 6th 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Two volunteers are needed. Greg Fisher and John Entwisle volunteered.
Mr. Clean Car Wash is conducting a fundraiser for Veterans Cooperative through Sept. 2nd. Using a special code, supporters can get a Platinum Car Wash for $22.00. Proceeds will go to the foundation to support veterans. Doc will resend the email with the QR scan code on it.
VCG is asking for additional funding. Funds from the buildings monthly cleaning had to be used to pay for additional interior painting. Doc Coleman informed members that 783 had already paid an additional $340, plus it was covering the cost of the plaque for Jim Reed. John Entwisle made a motion to vote down any further funds. This was seconded by Sal Laratta. The motion passed unanimously.
Open House at the Davenport Building on August 13th at 10:30 a.m. Members are encouraged to attend. Attire: MCL cover, red MCL polo, black pants and shoes.
Doc reported that the wheelchair ramp for Mike Brown had been completed on Wednesday. Labor was provided by the Beacon Team from First Baptist Church of Blairsville. Habitat For Humanity paid for all the building materials. John Entwisle is providing Mike with a power chair he had in his tool shed. It needs two batteries. Doc will call Jay's Medical Equipment on Monday to inquire about the batteries.
Doc further advised that he had received another wheelchair ramp request. This one was from a Vietnam vet (Navy) who was 100% disabled. He would be reaching out to Habitat and the Beacon Team for assistance. A motion was made by Wayne Roshaven to authorize up to $500 for this effort. It was seconded by Calvin Triplett. The motion passed unanimously.
Doc presented members in attendance with the proposed detachment budget for FY 2024-25. Total budget = $17,000.00. Actual = $7,294.50. Forecast = $9,705.50 (to be raised). Pat Seals asked if the ticket prices for the Marine Corps Birthday Dinner would cover the cost of the event. Doc explained that they only covered the cost of the meal. The detachment had been paying the cost for linens and such. A motion to approve the budget was made by Pat Seals and seconded by David Haag. The motion passed unanimously.
Doc Coleman called for a motion to re-instate Section 210, Part 1, subpart "g" of the bylaws which state, "Shall be elected for a term of one (1) year and may stand for re-election for one additional consecutive term." Doc advised that the section had been suspended in May during the election and should have been re-instated after the election during said meeting. David Haag asked why was this necessary. Doc cited Robert's Rules of Order. Greg Fisher made a motion to re-instate Section 210, part "g", and Wayne Roshaven seconded. Yeas = 11, Nays = 1. Motion passed.
Report of Committees: None
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: David Haag talked to members about Wreaths Across America. Wreaths cost $17.00/each. If you purchase two, they will send a third one for FREE. Go to . The wreaths will be placed on the headstones of veterans in Union County.
Lauren Dilts, founder and Executive Director of High Lonesome Therapeutic Equestrian Center spoke with attendees about her background, including her education, her career as a nurse and what led her to founding the therapeutic center. She went on to talk about the programs they have for children with various disabilities as well as the Special Olympics team they had this year the events they competed in during the NC Special Olympics. Lauren advised 783 members that the center is planning a 10 week long segment for veterans. She outlined the 10 week program and advised that the center is planning for the to be an Autumn event.
Good of the League: Wayne Roshaven announced that Pound 206 would hold a growl immediately after the detachment meeting on Saturday, August 17th here at the Davenport Building.
Announcements: None
SAA Sal Laratta retired the colors. Meeting Adjourned per ritual at 1045 hours.
Next detachment meeting will be on Saturday, August 17th at 1000 hours at the Davenport Building.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by SVC John Entwisle at 1003 hours. SAA Brandy Creel secured the quarters and declared all present were qualified to remain for official business.
SAA Brandy Creel posted the colors and led the detachment in the pledge of allegiance.
Roll Call of Officers:
Acknowledgement of Dignitaries: Mark Medina brought two guests; his wife Andrea and his friend Tom Finch.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: A motion to approve the minutes from May's detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by David Haag and seconded by Calvin Triplett. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: None
Paymasters Report: Presented by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
783 General Checking Account
Beginning Balance ……. $ 4,400.61
Deposits ………………........…… $ 1,062..70
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 861.24
Current Balance ………..... $ 4,602.07
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Ashford Todd and seconded by Calvin Triplett. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Richard Hoibraten reported that Jack McCorkle has been doing better and recently drove his car to Club 66 to meet up with friends. Terry Rogers recently passed away. He was a retired Union County High School coach and athletic director, and a Marine. Please keep Mike Brown, Gary and Virginia Wimsett in your thoughts and prayers.
Report of Officers:
SVC - John Entwisle informed members that 783 is now signed up for the Mtn. Heritage Festival, the Mountain Music & Moonshine Festival, the Sorghum Festival and the Welcome Home Veterans Tribute Air Show in Andrews.
Report of Committees:
Marine Rose Program - Brandy Creel reported that 783 held a Parking Lot Sale on Saturday, June 8th and raised $1,000.00. Jodi Federico, David Haag, Tammy Coleman and Joe Nichols all donated numerous items. 783 is to receive $250 donated by the VFW from their proceeds. Thanks to Calvin Triplett, David Haag for their assistance. 783 is also grateful for Richard Hoibraten, the SeaBees' trailer helped draw attention to the event.
Float Committee - Although this year's Memorial Day Parade was rained out, 783's float won 2nd Place. Thank you Mark and Andrea Medina and all those who helped.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: Stars & Stripes Trivia at Stonehenge Sr. Living on June 21st at 1:00 p.m. They will also be hosting a picnic on July 4th (11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.).
Richard Hoibraten informed attending members that Roger Pilcher is trying to recreate "the rock pile" at his home and needs help.
Judge Advocate Chuck Frisk informed attendees that 783 is listed with the IRS under two separate EINs. He will inform Doc Coleman of this discovery.
Installation of Officers: The installation of the following officers was conducted by Past Commandant Gary Wimsett; Ashford Todd (JPC), Mark Medina (JVC) and Chuck Frisk (JA). .
Good of the League: Richard Hoibraten asked for prayers for the newly elected officers.
Announcements: None
SAA Brandy Creel retired the colors. Meeting Adjourned per ritual at 1038 hours.
Next detachment meeting will be on Saturday, July 20th at 1000 hours at the Davenport Building.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 0935 hrs. SAA Brandy Creel secured the quarters and declared all present were qualified to remain for official business.
SAA Brandy Creel posted the colors and led the detachment in the pledge of allegiance.
Roll Call of Officers:
New Members: None
Minutes of Previous Meeting: A motion to approve the minutes from April's detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Sal Laratta and seconded by Wayne Roshaven. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: Doc Coleman reported that the detachment had received a card from the United Daughters of the Confederacy along with a donation of $150. In the note, the originator thanked 783 for its service to veterans.
Paymasters Report: Read by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
783 General Checking Account
Beginning Balance ……. $ 4,205.06
Deposits ………………........…… $ 250.00
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 54.45
Current Balance ………..... $ 4,400.61
Tammy Coleman reported that the deposits were from two donations, one from the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the other was a $100 donation from Louise Wilson, widow of U.S.C.G. Master Chief. 783 helped to clean up her property (fallen limbs) and had hired a lawn service company to mulch all her leaves left behind by another contractor. That project was funded with monies from the DVNF grant. David Haag and Doc Coleman replaced her Georgia flag and U.S.M.C. flags (with their own money) and raised them along with John Entwisle and Pastor Steve (from Shady Grove United Methodist Church).
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Ashford Todd and seconded by Wayne Roshaven. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Wayne Roshaven updated members on Jack McCorkle. Wayne advised that Jack's health is in decline. He gets dizzy when he stands up and his vision is blurred most of the time. Jack is experiencing weight loss and he struggles with memory loss. He is no longer driving.
Richard Hoibraten also reminded members to keep Gary and Virginia Wimsett in their thoughts and prayers. He also asked members to pray for Marine Terry Rogers who has cancer.
Report of Officers:
SVC - John Entwisle briefed members on the Dept. of Georgia's Annual Convention held last weekend in Savannah. John complemented the two hosting detachments on the hotel, the silent auction, the banquet and more. He noted the ship's store available to members. John informed members of the new Department officers : Rex Delk (Comm), Lisa Delk (SVC), Doc Coleman (JVC) and Marty Habecker (JA). John commented on how impressed he was with the guest speaker, General Robert Magnus, 30th Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps., noting how personable the four-star general was. John reported on the two proposed amendments that were presented. One passed and the other did not. Note: Doc gave details on the two proposals. Doc also noted that he expected MCL National to come down with a change where MCL members would no longer salute while saying the Pledge of Allegiance. The U.S. Marine Corps has made this change and it is expected that the MCL will follow suit.
Report of Committees:
Rose Program - Brandy Creel reminded members that the Rose Program would be hosting a yard sale at the Davenport Building on Saturday, May 18th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed for setting up and breaking down as well as helping during sales hours. "Drop Dead" date is this Wednesday. There is a forecast calling for a 40% chance of rain. Doc Coleman to check with VCG on alternate date and ask if the yard sale can be held indoors if needed. Brandy has collected $300 in table sales. Two vendors have committed to donate their sale proceeds from the day to 783. Claudia Entwisle called for a set up time of 0700 on Saturday.
Unfinished Business: Doc Coleman informed members that interior painting had been scheduled for the Davenport Building. Each VSO that maintains an office in the building is expected to contribute $340.00 for the labor; the paint ($4,200.00) is being donated. Ash Todd made a motion to approve the $340 expense. John Entwisle seconded the motion. No Discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
New Business: Doc Coleman advised that before the detachment elections could proceed, two motions would be needed involving Sections 140 and 210.
Motion 1: To suspend Section 140, Part 1, "Any regular member, who is in good standing in the Detachment, and has been a member for a minimum of one full year, shall be eligible to hold any elected office in the Detachment."
Motion 2: To suspend Section 210, Part 1, subpart "g", "Shall be elected for a term of one (1) year and may stand for re-election for one additional consecutive term."
Motions: David Haag
2nd: John Entwisle
No Discussion. Motions passed unanimously.
Nominating Committee Chair Ash Todd called for a nomination for Detachment Commandant. John Entwisle nominated Alton "Doc" Coleman for Detachment Commandant. Doc Coleman accepted.
Ash Todd called 3 times for any other nominations for SVC, other than John Entwisle. With no other nominations, John Entwisle accepted.
Ash Todd called 3 times for any nominations for JVC (other than Mark Medina) and JA (other than Chuck Frisk). No additional nominations were made. Ash Todd advised that he had spoken with Mark and that Mark had accepted. Doc Coleman advised that he had spoken with Chuck who had also accepted.
Adj/Paymaster Tammy Coleman cast one unanimous vote for the slate of officers.
Installation of Officers: The installation of the following officers was conducted by Jr. Past Commandant Ash Todd; Alton Coleman (COM), John Entwisle (SVC), Tammy Coleman (Adj/Paymaster), Brandy Creel (SAA) and Richard Hoibraten (Chaplin). Mark Mediana and Chuck Frisk not present.
Good of the League: None
Announcements: None
SAA Brandy Creel retired the colors. Meeting Adjourned per ritual at 1039 hours.
Next detachment meeting will be on Saturday, June 15th at 1000 hours at the Davenport Building.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1002 hrs. SAA Brandy Creel secured the quarters and declared all present were qualified to remain for official business.
SAA Brandy Creel posted the colors and led the detachment in the pledge of allegiance.
Roll Call of Officers:
Note: Attendees (Members of the North Georgia Honor Guard) (Wayne Roshaven, David Haag, Richard Hoibraten and Calvin "Gunny" Triplett) had to leave the meeting earlier due to a scheduled funeral.
New Members: None
Minutes of Previous Meeting: A motion to approve the minutes from March's detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Ashford Food and seconded by Sal Laratta. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: Doc Coleman reported that the detachment (attn: Larry Ashley Veterans Relief Program) had received a card from John and Michelle Fusco of Blairsville. In the card Michelle had written, "The enclosed donation is being made in memory of my father Judd William Owen who served in Korea, H&S Company 8th Marines. Thank you for the good work you are doing for our local needy veterans. - Michelle Fusco" Enclosed was a check for $50.00.
Note: These funds will be added to those already slated for the Larry Ashely Veterans Relief Program.
Paymasters Report: Read by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
783 General Checking Account
Beginning Balance ……. $ 4,558.71
Deposits ………………........…… $ 164.00
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 517.65
Current Balance ………..... $ 4,205.06
Tammy Coleman reported that outgoing expenses included $34.81 for donuts (reimbursement - John Entwisle), $200 (VCG - Rent/Maintenance Davenport Bldg.), $100 (783 full page ad 2024 Dept. of GA Annual Convention program), $58 (Membership Dues GA/National - Nichols and Seal) and $124.84 (Holiday Inn Express 1 night for Warrior Expedition hiker Jeff Lamprecht who sustained a knee injury on the trail and required medical attention).
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Ashford Todd and seconded by John Entwisle. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Doc Coleman asked that everyone keep Jack McCorkle in their thoughts and prayers. Wayne Roshaven, who checks on Jack daily, informed attendees that Jack asked that there be no visitors. He does not want people seeing him in his current state.
Report of Officers:
SVC - John Entwisle informed members that 783 would be participating in three (3) festivals this year; Mountain Moonshine Festival, Mountain Heritage Festival and the Sorghum Festival. John stated that he would be applying for all three (3) soon. Volunteers for booth duty, set up and breaking down (the exhibit) will be needed.
John also informed attendee that 783 is scheduled to participate in this year's Memorial Day Parade. Mark Medina is the chair for that committee. Mark has advised that he is planning to paint his 16ft trailer and have enlarged photos made to display on the trailer. This year's theme is the Korean War. He has not received a recent update from Mark on the float's progress. Doc Coleman advised that he would reach out to Mark for an update.
Report of Committees:
Nominating Committee - Ashford Todd called out the (current) slate of nominees for this May's detachment election.
COM - Alton " Doc" Coleman (accepted)
SVC - John Entwisle (accepted)
JVC - Mark Medina (not present)
JA - Chuck Frisk (accepted)
Prior to the meeting, during the Coffee & Camaraderie Hour, attendees (see sign-in sheet) took part in a conversation regarding this year's detachment elections. Wayne Roshaven pointed out that according to 783's bylaws, one can only hold the office of Commandant for two (2) consecutive years.
Doc Coleman advised that he had brought this up to the membership in 2023. He pointed out that this bylaw is also written as such in the National Bylaws. In the past, 783 has voted to "bypass" this bylaw in order to fulfill elected officer positions, including that of Commandant.
Doc went on to state that in his opinion, the detachment shouldn't be thinking each year about the following year's elections, it should be thinking 2 and 3 years ahead. The idea is for members to move through the chairs (so to speak) every two years as they work their way up to Commandant. This helps to keep both continuity and fresh ideas within detachment leadership. Wayne noted it also helped to prevent burn out.
As for new members, the detachment should use their first year to get to know them, and for them to get to know the detachment. In the past, we (783) have asked new members to hold office before they were ready (if at all).
Note: This conversation continued over into the detachment meeting.
Doc advised that if anyone (qualified) wanted to run for Commandant or Jr. Vice Commandant, please notify Ashford Todd - Chairman Nominating Committee.
Grant Committee - Claudia Entwisle advised that the grant committee had approved an expense of $250 for Louise Wilson, the widow of a U.S. Coast Guard Master Chief. Last Autumn she had paid a man to rake and remove all the leaves on her property. She reported that the man had blown them into several large islands, but then left and never returned. David Crisp of Southern Maintenance Krew came and picked up all the fallen branches and limbs and then mulched all the leaves.
Doc Coleman reported that he had been contacted by the Turners, who informed him that they were going to hire Lori Loudermilk (North Georgia Construction & Property Maintenance) to complete the deck work on their late father's house (Marine veteran Charles Turner who passed away in December). The new estimate for the work was $840.75. (Note: Membership had approved a $1,000.00 budget for this effort.)
Rose Program - Brandy Creel informed members that the Rose Program would be hosting a yard sale at the Davenport on Saturday, May 18th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Volunteers will be needed for setting up and breaking down as well as helping during sale hours. She is charging $20 per table. 783 will have a table as well. There will be vendor selling hotdogs, chops and sodas on site. Proceeds from 783's table will go to the Rose Program.
Note: The Rose Program is raising funds in order to create a scholarship for Towns and Union County High Schools.
DVNF Checking Account
Beginning Balance (03/15/2024) .................................................................... $ 3,708.29
Expense (03/11/2024) ................................................................................................ $ 250.00
Current Balance (03/16/2024) ........................................................................... $ 3,458.29
New Business: None
Good of the League: None
Announcements: None to be made.
The next detachment meeting will be TENTATIVELY held on Saturday, May 11th at the Davenport Veterans Building in Blairsville. Meeting time TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER.
SAA Brandy Creel retired the colors. Meeting Adjourned per ritual at 1042 hours.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1002 hrs. SAA Brandy Creel secured the quarters and declared all present were qualified to remain for official business.
SAA Brandy Creel posted the colors and led the detachment in the pledge of allegiance.
Roll Call of Officers:
New Members: Applications for membership were accepted from Pat Seals (Regular) and Joe Nichols (Associate). Both men were sponsored by Gary Wimsett. SAA Creel escorted the men out of the meeting room. A motion to accept them as new members was made by David Haag and seconded by Ash Todd. No Discussion. Motion passed unanimously. Seals and Nichols were escorted back in and to the podium by SAA Creel and sworn into membership by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman. Time was taken for members to welcome them into the MCL and the detachment.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: A motion to approve the minutes from February's detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Sal Laratta and seconded by John Entwisle. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Paymasters Report: Read by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
783 General Checking Account
Beginning Balance ……. $ 4,708.31
Deposits ………………........…… $ 241.00
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 390.60
Current Balance ………..... $ 4,558.71
Tammy Coleman reported that the detachment had received two donations, of $100.00 each, from Phil Stevens and $41 in donations (to the Marine Rose Program) during the Iwo Jima Ceremony. Expenses were made to pay for the Iwo Jima Cake (Melissa's Bakery), the keynote speakers (Col. Roger Graham) hotel room and John Entwistle's hotel room at the last Dept. of GA Quarterly Meeting.
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Roger Pilcher, and seconded by David Haag. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Wayne and BJ Roshaven. Mike and Ann Brown. Gary Wimsett advised that Virginia had a pacemaker put in and that it seemed to be working well. Ash Todd reported that his son was home and was receiving very good home healthcare. John Enwisle reported that Claudia has a heart monitor on for now. She has been experiencing some arrhythmia. Doc asked to keep all in our thoughts and prayers.
Report of Officers:
JPC - Ash Todd asked that the Commandant make mention of the upcoming Dept. of GA Annual Convention.
JVC - David Haag reminded everyone that elections will be held in May and that he will not be running for another term as JVC.
SVC - John Entwisle informed members that 783 would not be participating in the Butternut Creek Festival or the Highland Festivals. Both events only accept vendors. VSOs are not allowed to exhibit. We will be exhibiting at the Sorghum Festival, the Mtn. Moonshine Festival and the Air Show in Andrews. Doc Coleman asked John to proceed with the application process and once they were submitted to the detachment paymaster, applications/checks would be submitted.
Report of Committees:
Grant Committee - Claudia Entwisle advised that the grant committee would be meeting Tuesday morning at 1000 hours at Cabin Coffee.
Tammy Coleman reported that the current balance in the DVNF checking account was $3,708.29. She noted that the committee and membership had approved the application of a veteran who needed $940.00 for auto repairs. The recipient advised that he would repay his grant once he received his income tax check. Tammy Coleman advised that he if did so, the funds would be deposited into the detachment's general checking account and not back into the DVNF checking account.
DVNF Checking Account
Beginning Balance (02/17/2024) .................................................................... $ 4,648.29
Expense (03/11/2024) ................................................................................................ $ 940.00
Current Balance (03/16/2024) ........................................................................... $ 3,708.29
New Business: Doc Coleman advised that recently the Veterans Commanders Group had sent out an email noting that table flags were missing from the meeting room. These are typically found on the table in front of the podium. This morning he found them in the locked closet of the detachment's office. Doc advised that he didn't know who put the flags in the closet, could be anyone, but reminded members that when setting up the meeting room the flags needed to go back to the table afterwards.
Doc informed members that the 783's Marine Rose Program would be holding a Yard Sale at the Davenport Veterans Building on May 18th, same day as its detachment meeting. Brandy Creel will be providing more information. Volunteers will be needed as well as items to sell.
Lauren Dilts, Executive Director at High Lonesome Therapeutic Equestrian Center will be the guest speaker at our detachment meeting in June.
Doc announced that he and Tammy have been working with Davenport & Associates to found Veterans Cooperative, Inc., a 501(c)(3) to support veterans, their families and the communities they live in. The business model involves raising money for MCL detachments in Georgia who have programs that focus on home, health & wellness, education and food security. Funds will also be made available to MCL Young Marine Units in the state.
Scuttlebutt is in need of a new editor. Doc will assume the role until one can be found. The publication will be published on a quarterly basis until further notice.
The MCL Dept. of Georgia's annual convention is May 3rd-5th. It is being held in Savannah. There is still time to register. Click on the following link.
Good of the League: Roger Pilcher informed members that the Cox family, who house burned down, has received a lot of support; most of which coming from Marines and detachment members.
Announcements: None to be made.
The next detachment meeting will be held on Saturday, April 20th at 1000 hours at the Davenport Veterans Building in Blairsville.
SAA Brandy Creel retired the colors. Meeting Adjourned per ritual at 1051 hours.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1001 hrs. SAA Brandy Creel secured the quarters and declared all present were qualified to remain for official business.
SAA Brandy Creel posted the colors and led the detachment in the pledge of allegiance.
SAA Brandy Creel escorted Jody Federico to the podium where she was sworn in as an Associate Member by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman.
Roll Call of Officers:
Minutes of Previous Meeting: A motion to approve the minutes from January's detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Wayne Roshaven and seconded by Ashford Todd. The motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: None to report.
Paymasters Report: Read by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
Checking -
Beginning Balance ……. $ 4,684.71
Deposits ………………........…… $ 45.00
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 21.40
Current Balance ………..... $ 4,708.31
Paymaster Coleman noted her and Doc's niece Kylie Hayes Johnson, and her husband Rodney, had made a $25 donation to the detachment in Doc's name.
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Ashford Todd, and seconded by Gary Wimsett. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Wayne Roshaven advised that Jack McCorkle has been experiencing issues with his balance and vertigo. Richard Hoibraten reported that Andy Turner recently had surgery. Ashford Todd reported that his son had a double amputation of the legs and two fingers. Please keep these men in your thoughts and prayers.
Report of Officers:
JVC - David Haag reported that there are some old uniforms in the closet located in the detachment's office. Brandy Creel asked if no one wanted them, she would use them to make a quilt. Doc Coleman asked her if she could make a quilt that could be raffled off. The money would go into the Marine Rose program. A motion to do so was made by Calvin Thriplett and seconded by Mark Medina. The motion passed unanimously.
Commandant - Doc Coleman reminded members that the Department of Georgia's Annual Convention is May 3rd-5th in Savannah. He will send out a link to register for members who may want to attend.
Doc thanked John and Claudia Entwisle, David Haag, Greg Fisher and Mark Medina for pulling duty at the VA Clinic on Friday. The detail handed out healthy snacks and bottled water to patients in the waiting room from 0900 to 1200 hours.
Iwo Jima Memorial Ceremony is on Monday at 1000 hours at the Towns County Recreation and Conference Center. This year's keynote speaker is Vietnam combat pilot, and author, Col. Roget Graham, U.S.A.F. RET.
Doc announced that he and Tammy Coleman had met with attorneys on Thursday and had begun the process of forming and incorporating a 501(c)(3) whose purpose will be to raise funds for MCL detachments in Georgia and their programs.
Report of Committees:
Toys for Tots - Wayne Roshaven provided members with the 2023 Toys for Tots report.
Financial Statement
Beginning Balance (01/01/2023) ................................................................... $ 4,615.84
Monetary Donations ................................................................................................. $ 1,115.49
Money Spent
Travel to Training ................................................................. $ 161.19
Toys Purchased ..................................................................... $ 785.00
Storage Rental ....................................................................... $ 780.00
Subtotal ................................................................................................................................... $ 1,726.19
Current Balance (01/01/2024) ........................................................................... $ 4,005.14
Grant Committee - Claudia Entwisle updated members of the progress the Grant Committee has made since last August when it was awarded the DVNF Grant. To date, it has built wheelchair ramps for two (2) veterans, purchased a mini-split HVAC system for a veteran who suffered a house fire, paid for two months of car insurance for one veteran and two months electric bill for another. In addition, the committee purchased six (6) food boxes for veterans at Thanksgiving and donated $500 to Warrior Expeditions for their 2024 AT Hike (20 veterans). The committee has also been hosting a monthly activity with the Stonehenge Legionnaires (16 veterans who reside at Stonehenge Senior Living in Blairsville).
DVNF Checking Account
Beginning Balance (09/2024) ............................................................. $10,000.00
Current Balance (02/17/2024) ........................................................... $ 4,648.29
Claudia also reported on the Paymaster's Lunch 'n' Learn which was held during the recent MCL Dept. of Georgia's quarterly meeting in Gainesville.
New Business: Nothing to report.
Good of the League: Nothing to report.
Announcements: None to be made.
The next detachment meeting will be held on Saturday, March 16th at 1000 hours in Blairsville.
Meeting Adjourned at 1047 hours.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1002 hrs. SAA Brandy Creel secured the quarters and declared all present were qualified to remain for official business.
SAA Brandy Creel posted the colors and led the detachment in the pledge of allegiance.
SAA Creel escorted applicant Mark Medina out of the quarters. Commandant Coleman presented his application to attending members who voted him in unanimously.
SAA Creel escorted Mark Medina back into the meeting room where he was sworn in by Detachment Commandant Alan "Doc" Coleman.
Roll Call of Officers:
Minutes of Previous Meeting: A motion to approve the minutes from November's detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Sal Laratta and seconded by Gary Wimsett. The motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: None to report.
Paymasters Report: Read by Commandant Coleman.
Checking -
Beginning Balance ……. $ 4,592.31
Deposits ………………........…… $ 932.00
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 836.60
Current Balance ………..... $ 4,684.71
Incoming -
B'ville Cruisers Car Show ...... $ 400.00
PLM Gunny Triplett .................... $ 400.00
Mark Medina Membership ... $ 32.00
Phil Stevens' Donation ............. $ 100.00
Outgoing -
TLC Trophies ................ $ 85.60
P.O. Box ..............................$ 222.00
GA SOS Corp Fee ..... $ 30.00
Dept. of GA .................... $ 449.00 (Dues Triplett, and Federico. Life card for Laratta)
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Sal Laratta, and seconded by Ashford Todd. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Ashford Todd asked members to keep his son in mind. He is special needs and will be undergoing a double amputation of his legs. Gary Wimsett asked for prayers for his wife Virginia who has recently experienced additional cardiac complications. Wayne Roshaven asked everyone to keep his wife BJ in their prayers as she has not been well lately. Chaplain Hoibraten asked everyone to pray for Roy Bateman. Doc Coleman reported that Mike and Ann Brown had recently reported not having any water on Facebook. He and Mark Medina went out to their house and determined that the waterlines at their well house had frozen and ruptured. Ann was able to get the well driller who had worked on the pump two weeks earlier to come out and fix the damages. Doc also reported that Mike Brown had been diagnosed with lung cancer and asked everyone to keep him and Ann in their prayers.
Report of Officers:
SVC - Reported on the Dept. of Georgia's quarterly meeting held in Gainesville last weekend. Topics covered were new membership ID#s, the acceptance of Veterans in treatment programs, properly vetting new Associate Member applicants, and Tun Tavern for sponsorship or donations (go to Also covered was that the subject of veteran suicide information being on each Detachment's website. Note: #783 has it on its website. Also, the increase in female suicides and that all suicides are twice as high as reported. Proposed bylaw changes are to be reported to the Dept. Judge Advocate by Feb 15, 2024. In absence of the Judge Advocate, SVC Delk noted Doc's question proposed to other detachments, what will detachments do in 2024 to impact their veteran community? The Department's annual convention will be held May 3rd - 5th at the Embassy Suites in Savannah, GA. You can register at . SVC Entwisle noted that at the quarterly meeting it was mentioned that the Department of Georgia was considering raising annual dues by as much as $20.
Commandant - Doc Coleman added to SVC Entwisle's report by saying that he was proud of the detachment's commitment to serving its veteran community. Recently the Grant Committee had paid for the replacement of a (3 hinge) exterior garage door for an Army widow and would be donating $500 to Warrior Expeditions for this year's AT Hikers. Doc also informed members that he would reach out to Dept. SVC Delk and Dept. JVC Delk about the raising of annual dues. He also noted that as Dept. JA, he did not believe that National could force any detachment to run background checks on those applying for membership into the MCL, but he would verify that as well.
New Business: Nothing to report.
Good of the League: Nothing to report.
Announcements: None to be made.
The next detachment meeting will be held on Saturday, February 17th at 1000 hours in Blairsville.
Meeting Adjourned at 1121 hours.
Respectfully Submitted –
Alton "Doc" Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1002 hrs.
Roll Call of Officers:
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Motion to approve the minutes from September's detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Sal Laratta and seconded by Calvin Triplett. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: Doc Coleman read a correspondence from the Blairsville Cruisers and informed attendees that #783 had received a check from the Cruisers for $400 for the car show at the Farmer's Market. Said funds had been deposited into the detachment's checking account. He also informed members that Mayor Liz Ordiales had given him a "thank you" card at the USMC Birthday Dinner and that it had contained a $50 donation. Those fund were also deposited into the detachment's checking account.
Paymasters Report: Read by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
Checking -
Beginning Balance ……. $ 3,927.19
Deposits ………………........…… $ 1,595.00
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 929.88
Current Balance ………..... $ 4,592.31
Savings - $6,009.30
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Wayne Roshaven, and seconded by Ashford Todd. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Gary and Virginia Wimsett and David Haag.
Report of Officers:
SVC - John Entwisle informed members that #783 raised $34.00 at the Blairsville Cruisers Car Show and another $5.00 for the Marine Roses. John advised that in the past we had been told not to raffle or sell anything at the car show, but this year the Cruisers told him that it was be alright to do so.
Doc Coleman presented John and Claudia Entwisle with Certificates of Appreciation for their dedication to the MCL and Detachment #783 and all their hard work.
JA - Chuck Frisk read the revised amendment (Grant Committee to be a Standing Committee) to all attendees present. Any request for $500 or more would need to be approved by the membership at either a regularly scheduled detachment meeting, a specially called detachment meeting or via email voting (48 hour deadline to vote). Ash Todd made a motion to accept the amendment, and it was seconded by Sal Laratta. Motion passed unanimously.
Commandant - Doc Coleman informed members that he, Brandi Creel, Ash Todd and Scott Drummond had spoken to students at Eastgate Life Academy on Thursday (11/09). The topic of their presentations was Military Service, each speaking on behalf of the branch they had served in. Doc Coleman further advised that he had given a presentation at the Mountain Movers & Shakers breakfast on Friday, November 10th. The topic of his presentation was MCL Detachment #783; "The Mission Continues", which focused on how the organization serves/supports veterans in Towns and Union County.
Special/Standing Committees:
Grant Committee - Claudia Entwisle briefed members on the following veteran support projects:
Harris (Wheelchair Ramp) - $345.47 (completed)
Marie Cook (Garage Door Replacement) - $866.00. (scheduled)
Deborah Leonhardt (Wheelchair Ramp) - 1,400.00 (scheduled)
Billy Warman (HVAC Mini-Split) - $1,463.00 (scheduled)
VA Blairsville Clinic (Thanksgiving Food Boxes) - estimated $390.00
Chuck Frisk made a motion to approve the $1,463.00 for Billy Warman's new HVAC mini-split which had been destroyed in the house fire. Calvin Tippett seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Toys-For-Tots - Wayne Roshaven advised that T-F-T would be collecting donations from the Chatuge Gun Club later I the morning. He also noted that distribution of toys this year would be December 19th, 20th and 21st. Volunteers are needed.
New Business: Ash Todd updated members on VFW #7807's new building efforts. He stated that a potential donor had pledged to match funds up to $10,000.00. Jack McCorkle advised that he was against contributing to their effort because the VFW refused to help women veterans. Chuck Frisk advised that the VFW needed $1M to complete the project and that it was his understanding that they have raised $540,000 thus far. Doc Coleman asked if anyone cared to make a motion to donate funds to the VFW's building effort. No such motion was made.
Good of the League: Nothing to report.
Announcements: None.
Due to the heavy activity and holiday schedule, there will NOT be a December detachment meeting. Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, January 24th at 1000 hours in Blairsville.
Meeting Adjourned at 1104 hours.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy K. Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1001 hrs.
Roll Call of Officers:
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Motion to approve the minutes from September's detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Wayne Roshaven and seconded by Sal Laratta. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Paymasters Report: Read by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
Beginning Balance ……. $ 4,895.09
Deposits ………………........…… $ 722.00
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 1,689..90
Current Balance ………..... $ 3,927.19
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Sal Laratta, and seconded by Gunny Triplett. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Doc Coleman asked members to keep Sharon Scott, Mike Brown and Virginia Wimsett in their thoughts and prayers.
Report of Officers:
SVC - John Entwisle informed members that 783 exhibited at the Sorghum Festival October 21st-22nd. The detachment sold several detachment challenge coins, met quite a few prospects for membership and noted that Jason Cameron's son Syllas was a hit with the Spin-The-Wheel game.
Doc Coleman reminded attendees that 783 would be displaying at this year's Blairsville Cruisers Car Show at the Farmer's Market on November 4th. Help with the display booth would be appreciated.
Tammy Coleman also reminded members that 783 would be participating in Trunk 'o Treat at the First Baptist Church (Blairsville) on Sunday. She encouraged participation by members.
Paymaster - Tammy Coleman reminded members to get their ticket payments made for this year's Marine Corps Birthday Dinner. Tickets are $35/person. Deadline is October 31st.
On Friday, November 10th at the UCHS football field, there will be a plaque at the flagpole dedicated to Walt Scott. Members are encouraged to attend.
Judge Advocate - JA Chuck Frisk introduced an amendment proposal to make the Grant Committee a standing committee. Chuck read the proposed amendment to attending members. Recommendations were made that the amendment address the approval process for expenditures over $500.00, especially those needing immediate attention/approval due to their urgency.
Jason Cameron suggested that we put health, safety and welfare first and tell members later if the budget permits. Doc Coleman advised attendees that funds have guidelines, from the grantor, on how they are spent. Richard Hoibraten expressed concerns about using funds for rental properties. and posed the question, "what happens when the renter vacates the property?" Claudia Entwisle advised that the grant committee should meet and discuss these matters. It was agreed that the Detachment JA would address these matters and amend the proposed amendment; to be presented during next month's detachment meeting.
New Business: Nothing to report.
Good of the League: Nothing to report.
Announcements: Wayne Roshaven advised that there would be a Military Order of the Devil Dog Pound Growl on Saturday, November 10th at 1000 hours.
Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, November 18th at 1000 hours in Blairsville.
Meeting Adjourned at 1059 hours.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy K. Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1002 hrs.
Roll Call of Officers:
Special Guest/Dignitaries:
Robert Orwell III - U.S. Army Veteran
Rick Powers - U.S. Army Veteran
Jody Federico - Walt Scott's Daughter
Sharon Scott
Sal Laratta made a motion to make Sharon Scott (Walt Scott's widow) an honorary member of Detachment #783. The motion was seconded by Ash Todd and passed unanimously.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Motion to approve the minutes from the August detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Sal Laratta and seconded by Gary Wimsett. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Paymasters Report: Read by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
Beginning Balance ……. $ 6,119.96
Deposits ………………........…… $ 25200
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 1,476..87
Current Balance ………..... $ 4,895.09
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Wayne Roshaven, and seconded by Jack McCorkle. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Scott Drummond informed attending members that he was glad to be back and expressed his deepest thanks for all their support. Richard Hoibraten added that it was important that we all support one another and that members could call on himself or the Detachment Commandant if needed.
Report of Officers:
Paymaster - Tammy Coleman reminded members to get their ticket payments made for this year's Marine Corps Birthday Dinner. Tickets are $35/person. A deposit had been paid to Brother's and the deadline for tickets is October 31st when we have to provide the restaurant with our final headcount.
SVC - John Entwisle reminded attendees of the upcoming Sorghum Festival and that volunteers are still needed for the booth the second weekend (Oct. 21st-22nd). The booth will feature U.S.M.C. memorabilia and a children's activity where they can spin a wheel and win prizes. Set-up will be on Friday the 20th at 6 p.m.
Commandant - Doc Coleman informed attendees that the October detachment meeting was being moved to the 28th due to a scheduling conflict. Also, volunteers are needed for the Welcome Home Veterans Tribute (Andres, NC) Sept. 23rd, 1000 - 1230 hours and 1230 - 1500 hours. Doc advised that while the DVNF grant would go towards supporting veterans and their families, the detachment still needed to raise funds for operating expenses and other good works. Doc also reminded attendees of the upcoming Stonehenge Legionnaires activity on Thursday, September 21st at 1300 hours.
Report of Committees:
Grant Committee - Phil Stevens reported that the grant committee had met twice so far and it was currently working on three matters; an application form, a vetting process and guidelines.
Unfinished Business:
Richard Hoibraten talked about the $200/year #783 pays for rent and what those funds go towards in the way of building maintenance and repairs.
New Business: Nothing to report.
Good of the League: Jody Federico thanked #783 members for the support they have given since her father (Walt Scott) passed away.
Announcements: None.
New (Regular) member Jason Cameron was sworn in by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman.
Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, October 28th at 1000 hours in Blairsville.
Meeting Adjourned at 1100 hours.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy K. Coleman
Meeting opened via Google Meet by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1930 hrs.
Alton "Doc" Coleman
Tammy Coleman
John Entwisle
Claudia Entwisle
David Haag
This meeting was called by Doc Coleman. The purpose of the meeting was to seek approval from the membership to write a check for the Harris Wheelchair Ramp Project in excess of $500. North Georgia Construction & Property Management provided #783 a quote for labor totaling $800.00.
John Entwisle made a motion for #783 to enter into a contract with North Georgia Construction & Property Management to build the Harris wheelchair ramp at Lot #3 Chatuge RV Park. The motion was seconded by David Haag. The motion passed unanimously.
David Haag made a motion to approve Doc Coleman to write the check for $800 to pay for said labor. John Entwisle seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Note 1: The Georgia Mountain Pickle Ball Club donated $1,000 for this particular project. The check was deposited into the detachment's checking account.
Note 2: Detachment Bylaws require membership approval for all expenses in excess of $500.00.
Note 3: Home Depot is donating the materials required to build the Harris wheelchair ramp, based on the original design.
Note 4: The remaining $200 will go towards additional materials needed for this project.
Meeting adjourned at 1946 hours.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy K. Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1000 hrs.
Roll Call of Officers:
Acknowledgement of Dignitaries/Guest: Janis Chavis attended today's meeting as a guest of JVC David Haag. She is a retired U.S. Army Warrant Officer. Is considering joining MCL Unicoi Detachment #783 as an Associate Member.
Application for Membership: None
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Motion to approve the minutes from July's detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Ash Todd and seconded by Calvin Triplett. No discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: None.
Paymasters Report: Read by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
Beginning Balance ……. $ 5,081.49
Deposits ………………........…… $ 1,257.75
Outgoing ………………….......... $ 219.28
Current Balance ………..... $ 6,119.96
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Wayne Roshaven, and seconded by Jack McCorkle. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Richard Hoibraten asked that members continue to keep Andy Turner in their thoughts and prayers as he is going through a grieving period after the loss of his wife Debi. Also keep Mike Brown and Florence Gerrard in our thoughts and prayers.
Doc Coleman informed attending members that he and JVC David Haag and gone over the detachment's roster and that David would soon be making Well Calls on members who have not been able to attend meetings.
Report of Officers:
JVC - David Haag presented SAA Brandy Creel with pistol lapel pins so that as SAA she would have sidearms to carry.
SVC - John Entwisle informed members that #783 will be submitting applications to exhibit at this year's Sorghum Festival (Oct. 21st - 22nd) and the Vogel Fall Festival (Oct. 28th - 29th). If accepted, the detachment will feature a children's activity at each event. Volunteers to work the booth are needed.
Report from Committees: Ash Todd asked if there was a manual for the Fallen Marine Program. Doc Coleman advised that there was and that he would forward it to Ash and John. Ash also noted that East Gate Life Academy is looking for a speaker on Veteran's Day. The topic would be on serving in the military. The Mountain Movers & Shakers are also looking for a guest speaker for the week of Veterans Day.
Unfinished Business: Nothing to report.
New Business:
Stonehenge Sr. Living - Doc Coleman informed members that he and Tammy had met with the management at Stonehenge Senior Living and that they reported to have approximately 16 residents who are veterans. One of which is Florence Gerrard who is a member of #783. She and her late husband Frank founded the North Georgia Honor Guard. #783 and Stonehenge will be co-hosting a Meet & Greet with these veterans on Tuesday, August 29th at 2:00 p.m.
Doc further advised that they had also discussed the possibility of forming a reading group with these residents. Volunteer readers are welcomed, as well as those who would care to attend just for the comradery. Ash Todd advised that he and Brandy host a Veterans Social Hour once a month at Brasstown Manor in Hiawassee. He advised that perhaps we could do the same at Stonehenge.
Event - Detachment #783 will be exhibiting at the Welcome Home Tribute in Andrews, NC this year (Sept. 23rd). Volunteers needed for both exhibit booth shifts that Saturday (1000 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.). Let Doc know if you can volunteer.
DVNF - Doc informed attending members that the Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) had awarded #783 a $10,000 grant for veterans relief. The check was deposited on the 14th and "returned" on the 16th. #783 was issued a $10 return fee by United Community Bank. This was not discovered until Friday, August 18th after 5:00 p.m. Doc will meet with the bank on Monday. In the meantime he has emailed the DVNF program manager (for this grant cycle) an inquiry. Doc will follow up with United Community Bank and the DVNF on Monday.
Judge Advocate Chuck Frisk informed attendees that a Grant Committee should probably be formed, and it should be a Standing Committee. The purpose of the committee would be to review applications received by the detachment for veteran's relief. If approved, they would also determine the amount of funds that would be granted. JVC David Haag informed members that the Board of Trustees felt that it would be ideal that elected detachment officers not serve on the committee; with the exception the Commandant, who serves as Ex-Officio on all committees. Chuck Frisk made the motion for form the Grant Committee and it was seconded by Ash Todd. The motion passed unnamiously.
248th - Doc asked members if they would be interested in having this year's Marine Corps Birthday Dinner at Brother's Steakhouse in Young Harris (again). The event would take place on Friday, November 10th (5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) and only be open to detachment members and their invited guests. Cost would be $35/person. Several members advised that they had like the venue last year. A motion was made by Chuck Frisk and seconded by Ash Todd. The motion passed unanimously. Chuck Frisk asked if it would be possible to talk to Brother's about #783 using the leftover food to feed first responders, 911 personnel etc. Doc Coleman advised that he would speak with the restaurant's management about doing so.
Brandy Creel, Claudia Entwisle and Richard Hoibraten volunteered to serve on the committee. Doc informed members that Phil Stevens had expressed serving on the committee if it were to be formed.
Wheelchair Ramp Project - Doc is working on a new wheelchair ramp project for a Navy veteran at the Chatuge RV Park. Habitat-for-Humainty has submitted a grant application to Home Depot for the Materials and the N. GA Mountain Pickle Ball Club has donated $1,000 to go towards project. North Georgia Construction and Property Management will provide Doc a quote for the construction.
Good of the League: Richard have an update on the tank out front. He advised that research was still being done on the sword he has donated to #783. A perpetual plaque was discussed which would denote #783 members who have served in the armed forces and the names of their parents who have served. Ash Todd advised that it could be built for less than $100.
Chuck Frisk reminded attendees of the the 9/11 Memorial Service to be held in Hiawassee. Chuck will be the guest speaker.
Announcements: None
Meeting adjourned at 1103 hours.
Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, Sept. 16th at 1000 hours in Blairsville.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy K. Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1000 hrs.
Roll Call of Officers:
Application for Membership: Jason Cameron attended the June meeting. Invited by David Haag. Jason is a Marine Veteran and has a background in veteran affairs. He was invited to join the detachment. Doc to email him an application. Jason also talked about petitioning state legislation regarding the fact that there are only two homes for veterans in Georgia.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Motion to approve the minutes from June's detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: None.
Paymasters Report: Read by Commandant Alton Coleman.
Beginning Balance……….…. $ 5,141.48
Deposits………….......……........…… $ 424.00
Outgoing………………...............….. $ 483.99
Current Balance………............ $ 5,081.49
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Walt Scott, and seconded by Calvin Triplett. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Doc Coleman asked that members continue to keep Andy & Debi Turner in their thoughts and prayers, Gary & Virginia Wimsett and Jack McCrorkle.
Report of Officers:
JVC - David Haag reported on the recently held Dept. of GA Quarterly meeting. He noted that he learned a lot and enjoyed the camaraderie. He encouraged other members to attend quarterly meetings in the future.
Comm - Doc updated attendees on matters pertaining to LCPL Sean M. Willey. There will be a flag folding ceremony on Thursday, July 27th at the Clay County Sheriff's Office in Hayesville at 1000 hours. The escort team will depart from Hayesville on Friday, July 28th at 0900, setting out to return LCPL Willey's home (Ilion, NY).
Report from Committees: Nothing to report.
New Business: Nothing to report.
Unfinished Business: Nothing to report.
Good of the League: Nothing to report.
Announcements: None
Meeting adjourned at 1045 hours.
Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, August 19th at 1000 hours in Blairsville.
Respectfully Submitted –
Alton "Doc" Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1000 hrs.
Roll Call of Officers:
Application for Membership: Calvin C. Triplett Sr. Blairsville resident. Retired U.S.M.C. Gunnery Sergeant. Met John Entwisle at the grocery store. John invited Calvin to attend our June detachment meeting. Motion to make Calvin a Regular member was made by Ashford Todd and seconded by John Entwisle. Calvin's application for membership was approved unanimously by the attending (regular) members.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Motion to approve the minutes from May's detachment meeting, as posted on the detachment's website, was made by Sal Laratta and seconded by Ashford Todd, who did ask if the date for last month's minutes had been changed. (They had been.). Motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence: None.
Paymasters Report: Read by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
Beginning Balance……….…. $ 5,141.48
Deposits………….......……........…… $ 0.00
Outgoing………………...............….. $ 0.00
Current Balance………............ $ 5,141.48
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Wayne Roshaven, and seconded by Gary Wimsett. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Doc Coleman asked that members keep Andy & Debi Turner in their thoughts and prayers, as well as Mike Brown and Jim Baugham. It was brought up that Al Kehne has had several falls and stays home now with his wife who has terminal cancer. Prayers were also asked for Scott and Sherri Drummond. Brandy Creel asked that her brother Lou be kept in our prayers as well.
Report of Officers:
JA - Chuck Frisk informed members that the board of trustees had met on Thursday night and one topic on the agenda was the budget for FY 2024. The current budget has $1,100.00 earmarked for Unicoi Scouting. The funds have been there for over 2 years. Despite follow ups with BSA Troop 101 by Detachment #783, the Troop has yet to request financial assistance. Chuck made a motion to contact the family who donated the $1,100.00 for scouting and ask them if they would like for the funds to be returned to them or rolled over into the General Funds in the detachment's account. Ashford Todd seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
JVC - David Haag informed members that following today's detachment meeting at 1100 hours, there would be flag folding ceremony at Stone Henge. The U.S. flag (48 stairs) belonged to Rick Flower's (N. GA Honor Guard) father-in-law, who had inherited it from his father who was killed in an accident shortly after coming home from WWII. The flag had never been properly folded. Members were invited to attend.
SVC - John Entwisle informed members that he and Ash Todd are going to establish the Fallen Marine Program for Detachment #783. John explained the Fallen Marine Program to attending members and told them how the Rome Detachment conducted it. John stated that he has already called on the funeral homes in Blairsville. Ash Todd will be calling on those in Hiawassee. Doc Coleman has ordered the materials needed for the program.
Comm - Made in Georgia Festival is Saturday, June 24th and Sunday, June 25th. One volunteer (for the exhibit table) is still needed for Sunday morning 1100 to 1330 hours and one for Sunday afternoon 1330 - 1600 hours.
Report from Committees: None
New Business: None
Unfinished Business: Department of Georgia's quarterly meeting will be held in Warner Robins on Saturday, July 15th. Doc will forward Commandant Bill Miller's email with registration information for members who care to attend.
Good of the League: Nothing to report.
Announcements: July's Detachment Meeting will be held on July 22nd so as not to conflict with the Department of Georgia's quarterly meeting on July 15th.
Meeting adjourned at 1031 hours.
Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, July 22nd at 1000 hours in Blairsville.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy K. Coleman
Meeting opened per ritual by Commandant Alton "Doc" Coleman at 1003 hrs.
Roll Call of Officers:
Application for Membership: None
Election/Intallation of Officers:
Commandant - Alton "Doc" Coleman
SVC - John Entwisle
JVC - David Haag
Judge Advocate - Chuck Frisk
Remaining officers to be appointed by the Commandant.
Installation of officers was carried out by Jr. Past Commandant Ashford Todd III.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Andy Turner noted that the minutes of the meeting for the month of April posted on the detachment's website were noted as being those of the month of March. Doc Coleman advised that he would remedy this on the website and suggested that April and May's minutes be voted on at the next detachment meeting.
Andy Turner then voiced his objections to the veteran build project; based on funding, recipient's military status and liability. Doc Coleman advised that no MCL funds had been used for the project and that VFW #7807 had provided the funds to pay for all the materials. Doc Coleman advised that the recipient had produce a DD-214 which showed an Honorable Discharge, and noted that the project could also be carried out under humanitarian reasons. As for liability, the MCL is insured.
Correspondence: None.
Paymasters Report: Read by Paymaster Tammy Coleman.
Beginning Balance……….…. $ 5,357.80
Deposits………….......……........…… $ 1,223.50
Outgoing………………...............….. $ 1,439.82
Current Balance………............ $ 5,141.48
A motion to accept the paymaster's report, subject to oversight, was made by Ashford Todd, and seconded by Wayne Roshaven. The Motion passed unanimously.
Members Sick or in Distress: Richard Hoibraten called for prayers for Walt Scott who recently suffered from complications due to dehydration.
Report of Officers:
Commandant - Doc Coleman reminded members that the Made In Georgia Festival was coming up. Volunteers would be needed to man #783's booth and to drive golf cart shuttles. He advised that he would send out a sign-up sheet for volunteers.
Report from Committees: None
New Business: None
Unfinished Business: None
Good of the League: Phil Stevens noted that his friend Mac, a Marine veterans who passed away last year, now had a cross on the square in Blairsville. Phil asked members to remember Mac on Memorial Day.
Announcements: July's Detachment Meeting will be held on July 22nd so as not to conflict with the Department of Georgia's quarterly meeting on July 15th.
Meeting adjourned at 1047 hours.
Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, June 17th at 1000 hours in Blairsville.
Respectfully Submitted –
Tammy K. Coleman
MCL Unicoi Detachment #783
The Marine Corps League is a not-for-profit organization within the provisions of the Internal Revenue Service Code 501(c) (4), with a special group exemption letter. EIN: 58-2440111
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